Helping you break free from food obsession, find peace with eating and feel at home in your body.

Are you ready to ditch dieting, stop binge eating, find food freedom, and live a balanced life?

Take what you need:

My Membership Program

The Empowered Eaters Collective

Learn my proven LIFE method to find freedom from bingeing, emotional overeating, and constant body image spirals within a community of others who get it.

Free Workshop

How To Stop Food Obsession Without Relying On Diets

Discover what’s keeping you stuck thinking about food 24/7 and how to shift your mindset to turn down the volume on the food noise.

Get High Level Support

1:1 Coaching

For those who want to unpack their patterns, get personalized support and have accountability to reach their health goals, without diet culture.

Hi, I'm Brittany

A food-loving, craft-obsessed, outdoors enthusiast whose passion is to help individuals be their most balanced and authentic version of themselves. After struggling for over 6 years with an eating disorder, I discovered intuitive eating. I ditched my food rules, my all-or-nothing mindset, and gave myself the space to rediscover what living a well-nourished life meant to me.

Work with me


Work with me 〰️

1:1 Coaching

Through 1:1 coaching, I help you take back your power from food and become your most authentic self through intuitive eating so you can live your most balanced, liberated life.


Together we’ll unpack your relationship with food, your body, and yourself, help you understand your patterns, determine what’s really going on in your brain and uncover any limiting beliefs, all while building more compassion and a new perspective on living life on your terms. 


After releasing behaviours that are no longer serving you, we will create a blank slate on which we will reconnect to your true values. We’ll use this to carry forward behaviours that are serving you, and leave behind what isn’t. We’ll also rebuild new relationships with food, your body, health, movement and weight that makes sense and feels good to you.


Let's put the pieces into action! We’ll create a plan and take manageable steps to make real, lasting changes to how you eat, move, and take care of yourself in a way that feels empowering. We'll work through any blocks that come up and you’ll learn the tools so you can continue to thrive when life throws you curveballs.

Latest on the blog

In this blog you’ll find my thoughts, practical tips and resources on intuitive eating, body image, mental health, and living an aligned, balanced lifestyle. 

client experience

β€œI don’t think words can adequately express how much my life has improved since starting work with Brittany. My life has completely changed- along with my relationship with food, exercise, and my body. I’m able to eat foods without shame, I don’t have rigid β€œfood rules” controlling my life, I’ve learned to enjoy mindful movement after years of abusing my body in the gym, I’ve found comfort living in my body for the first time in my life, I don’t panic around food anymore, I better understand why bingeing happens and how to prevent it, I have more self compassion, I no longer have β€œbinge foods” because all foods naturally fit into my life, I can go shopping for new clothing again after years of intense fears around clothing sizes, I was able to go to a pool for the first time in four years.”


Download my *free guide* to Make Peace With Carbs


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